All Sundays 09:00 - 14:30 -
13th June - Cannon Hill North - Path repairs and other tasks
27th June - Uddens Plantation - Himalayan Balsam pulling
11th July - UP - Balsam Pulling
8th August - UP - Balsam Pulling
5th September - Task TBC
3rd October - Task TBC
31st October - UP - Heathland Restoration
14th November - UP - Heathland Restoration
12th December - UP - Heathland Restoration
9th January - UP - Heathland Restoration
6th February - UP - Heathland Restoration
6th March - UP - Heathland Restoration
3rd April - Task TBC
15th May - Task TBC
Depending on demand, tasks required and availability, we may slot in some extras or need to adjust the dates a little.