November 2019 - Our Heathland Restoration continues
Our second session and we are now 2/3 rd's of our way through Site A.
After the gales on Saturday (we had to move a fallen tree across the access track), we were blessed with a still and sunny day for our volunteer task day.
It is a challenging site to work on, which will work in our favour when completed as it should discourage disturbance of the flora and fauna.
The hard work was rewarded with bonfire baked potatoes served with cheese and beans, along with Isabel's excellent home made flapjack.
Additional tasks completed were -
A litter pick by Liz.... A Lanson Black Label Champagne bottle was the oddest find. Our litter louts appear to be going upmarket!
A Rhododendron on the edge of the site was cleared to stop it spreading.
Isabel created a natural sculpture from some silver birch and local flora demonstrating that our volunteer days don't just have to be about the physical work. We welcome those that would like to get involved at any level. Anyone with an interest in the woods is welcome to come along and join us for a cuppa. There is always someone that would welcome an excuse to catch their breath!
Our next volunteer day is Sunday 1st December. Why not come along? See here for more details.