We are kicking off this year’s work parties with something new!
From 10am on Sunday 18th January we will be taking part in a joint work party led by Mike Abraham, the local Beat Forester for the FC.
This time we will be working north of the A31. Please meet at the first gateway (on the right) in Uddens Drive from the A31.
Hot and cold drinks and biscuits supplied, but if you want something more substantial, please bring it with you.
We have a nice mix of native broadleaved trees to plant including Oak, Hazel, Hornbeam and Sweet chestnut.
All supplied by the FC as well as the stakes and tubes.
There should be enough tools to do the job, but if you have a small lump hammer and are able to bring it along, it may be useful!
Look forward to seeing you there.
Friends of Uddens & Cannon Hill Woodlands
[email protected]