We will be in the same location as before Christmas, but will most likely make a start on Site B as it is close to the existing fire site (unless we have some enthusiastic "draggers" attend).
As usual we will be onsite from 9am until 2.30pm, so come along for as long or little as you wish.
For those around at lunch time, we will have our now legendary bonfire baked potatoes, served with beans and cheese (I will remember it this time!).
Hot & cold drinks and biscuits available throughout.
Gloves, tools and training etc provided.
All details and location (including maps) are here
It is always handy to have a rough idea of numbers, so let us know if you are able.
We have said it before, but it is worth repeating, if you are not up to physical exertions, but you want to stop by for a cuppa and a chat by the fire, you are most welcome.
This task benefits from numbers, so why not bring some family or friends along with you :-)
Look forward to seeing you,
PS I forgot to add our photos from last month, you can see them here.
Future dates for your diaries with planned tasks -
Sunday 9th February - Uddens Plantation - Continuing Heathland project
Sunday 8th March - Uddens Plantation - Continuing Heathland project
Sunday 5th April - task TBC
Sunday 3rd May - task TBC
Sunday 14th June - Uddens plantation - Himalayan Balsam pulling along Uddens Water
Sunday 12th July - Uddens plantation - Himalayan Balsam pulling along Uddens Water
Sunday 9th August - Uddens plantation - Himalayan Balsam pulling along Uddens Water
Sunday 6th September
Sunday 4th October -
Sunday 1st November -
Sunday 29th November -
Sunday 10th January 2021 -