See the letter and plan of the area involved below.
Mike has assured us that any paths affected will be restored after the work.
Dear Friends
Please find attached a map showing the proposed thinning and fell areas for Cannon Hill.
This work is part of our routine management which we carry out every 5 years and seeks to fulfil our Forest Design Plan objectives.
The green areas on the map are for thinning and the purple is for a felled area to be replanted.
Cannon Hill South will receive a thinning in compartment 2719 b&f only.
The objective of the thinning will be to remove poorer stems and to allow more light to the forest floor.
The proposed work would likely take place sometime early in the new year.
I hope these proposals meet with you approval.
Kind Regards
Mike Abraham
Beat Forester - Ringwood Beat
Forestry Commission - South England District
proposed_cannon_hill_working_areas.pdf |