We will be working on the Bridleway in Cannon Hill North running along the field edge from the A31 bridge to the high burial mound view point.
We will set up near the lower burial mound.
The map shows the main area of work and our base in red.
The blue shows the main access points/parking and route to take to find us. We will put some signs up to point you in the right direction when you get near.
We did't get as much done last month as we hoped and we know some of our key players are not available this month, so if you are free, please come along.
There is enough to keep us busy at that location for
Sun 10th March too.
Tasks to include clearing the encroaching vegetation on the bridleway, burial mounds and path across the recently planted area. There is also some Rhododendron in this area.
Tasks can be tailored to suit the individual. Gloves, tools, training, tea, coffee, squash and as many ginger crunch creams as you can eat! Bacon rolls for those around after midday.