On Wednesday 20th April 2016 at Stapehill Village Hall, 224 Wimborne Road West, BH21 2DY
Refreshments from 19:30 Meeting to start at 19:45
1. Chairman’s opening remarks
2. Apologies - Jeff Maple (Treasurer)
3. Minutes of AGM Friday 10th April 2015
4. Matters arising
5. Chairman’s Report - Janet Healy
6. Treasurer’s Report - On behalf of Jeff Maple
7. Election of Trustees (Nomination list on the website from 8th April, or available on the night)
8. Short slide show - Our Volunteer Conservation Task Days and Woodland Wildlife – Andy Hartstone
9. Chairman’s closing remarks
This year there are 6 possible trustee positions for election / re-election.
The following existing trustees must stand down at this AGM - Janet Healy, Jeffrey Maple, Kevin Healy & Rod Whitham
(They can of course stand again for re-election)
There are also two vacant trustee positions.
If you are interested in standing, please check our constitution for eligibility and complete the application form available on the website - http://www.cannonhillfriends.org.uk/agm-2016.html
Other Information :
Please join us for complimentary Tea, Coffee & Biscuits.
There will also be an opportunity to join as a Friend of Uddens & Cannon Hill Woodlands for those that have yet to do so.
Membership is by one-off donation, there is no annual fee.
The closing date for motions and trustee nominations for the AGM is Wednesday 6th April 2016.
Contact details –
Janet Healy, 223 Wimborne Road West, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 2DN [email protected]