You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Uddens & Cannon Hill Woodlands
On Wednesday 28th June 2016 at Stapehill Village Hall, 224 Wimborne Road West, BH21 2DY
Refreshments from 19:30 Meeting to start at 19:45
1. Welcome & Introductions – Janet Healy (Chair)
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the AGM 20th April 2016 and Matters Arising
4. Chairman’s Report – Janet Healy
5. Treasurer’s Report - Jeff Maple
6. Projects & Work Parties Report – Andy Hartstone (Work Party Lead)
7. Motion – Change to Charitable Incorporated Organisation
8. Motion – Adopt draft CIO Constitution.
9. Other Motions (To be submitted before the AGM)
10. Election of Trustees (Not required this year as new charity formed)
11. Any Other Business
Charitable Incorporated Organisation (C.I.O):
As previously communicated Trustees have agreed to change the status of the Charity to a CIO.
The application to the Charities Commission has been submitted and a members vote will take place at the AGM.
The proposed constitution is available on our website. Please contact me if you would like a copy.
This year 2 Trustees are retiring Kevin Healy & Rod Whitham.
The remaining Trustees are all founding members of the planned new CIO charity.
Due to the charity change, there is no requirement to elect new trustees. (All Trustees of the new CIO charity will need to stand for re-election at its first AGM)
Other Information :
Please join us for Tea, Coffee & Biscuits.
There will also be an opportunity to join as a Friend of Uddens & Cannon Hill Woodlands for those that have yet to do so.
Membership is by one-off donation, there is no annual fee.
Contact details –
Janet Healy, 223 Wimborne Road West, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 2DN [email protected]
Andy Hartstone
Friends of Uddens & Cannon Hill Woodlands
[email protected]
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